Friday, December 7, 2018

'Searching' is a must-watch tech thriller

It’s not common that films manage to truly reflect the impact of modern-day digital conveniences in sleuthing. But the new crime thriller “Searching” manages to do so while offering a gripping narrative that will leave fans of the genre on the edge of their seats.
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 Nope, there are no UV lights and cotton swabs used in this film. Our protagonist David Kim (played convincingly by John Cho) relies on his familiarity with social media apps and online search engines to uncover a complex scheme surrounding his missing daughter.

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Director Aneesh Chaganty (who co-wrote the film with Sev Ohanian) managed to provide a movie with tons of twists and turns, banking on a father’s given desire to seek out the perpetrators of his daughter’s “abduction.” It begins with a montage series of shots reminiscent of Disney’s “Up,” based on various clicked photos and videos showing the passing of Cho’s wife from cancer. The father-daughter bond and resulting estrangement are thus immediately established.

Audiences feel as though they are the ones clicking on the PC screen or scanning phone messages as the camera is often just left zoomed in. This adds to replicating the drama as it unfolds and makes for a uniquely immersive cinema experience. I won’t spoil it, but suffice it to say that the plot barely misses a beat as Mr. Kim discovers new leads online and confronts suspects even as we are taken to the film’s breathtaking final reveal.

“Searching” is definitely one of the brilliant, little gems of 2018. It’s a refreshing new take on the detective genre and showcases how we can be our own investigators in this digital era.

Hi, my name is Jeff Mohlman, and I’m a student at the University of Ohio pursuing a degree in English Literature. I fancy seeing myself as a future novelist as well as movie and art blogger. More of my writings and musings here.